The GRASP Coalition and The Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey have collaborated to present Knock Out Opiate Abuse Town Hall meeting to address the issue of opiate abuse in our communities across the state.
Town hall meetings provide an opportunity to dialogue with community members and learn their concerns, needs and questions about the opioid abuse epidemic in New Jersey and in the local community. Town hall meetings provide opportunities for community members to discuss a topic in the presence of stakeholders and others in the community. These structured conversations provide panelists an opportunity to listen to the community. At these town hall meetings, the audience can share their concerns, questions, and success strategies and ask questions to of the stakeholders.
These community level meetings will be in concert with the recommendations of the Surgeon General’s report on addiction. It is necessary to work together as a community to try and come up with ways to eradicate this epidemic and to change the public attitude toward addiction, and change attitudes on addiction to ultimately reduce and prevent opiate abuse.